
The Sea

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Miniatures / The Sea

The River

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Miniatures / The River

Imagined hugs

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Miniatures / Vultus

Alessio, tecnica mista su carta, cm-15,5x11,5 (2015) - Debora Piccinini Artista
Stefano disegna, tecnica mista su carta, cm 15x10 (2015) - Debora Piccinini Artista
Vittoria, tecnica mista su carta, cm 21x14,5. (2015) - Debora Piccinini Artista
il Bonatti, tecnica mista su carta, cm 14,5x10 (2015) - Debora Piccinini Artista
Stefano pittore, tecnica mista su carta, cm 14,5x11 (2015) - Debora Piccinini Artista
Giulia in Accademia, olio su carta, cm 11x16 (2015) - Debora Piccinini Artista


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Portraits of auteur

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Miniatures / Portraits of auteur

“Debora’s work so minute and particular has, nevertheless a strength and at the same time an incredible formal delicacy, as only Persian miniatures can be. (…)
Debora states that her work starts from the sixteenth-century portraiture, with a particular preference for the works of Pontormo and Bronzino, in which with her discreet eye she manages to identify those formidable details that outline the precise psychological and intellectual identity of the retracted character. In the small works that Debora elaborates as precious miniatures, it always seems to start from the real datum, which is continually reinvented through arcane geometries that create spaces and details in unison and that, eventually, are nothing more than the story and the inner world of the portrayed character. ”
Mauro Partesi